Code of Academic Integrity and Code of Student Conduct

The Robert H. Smith School of Business recognizes honesty and integrity as necessary cornerstones to the pursuit of excellence in academic and professional business activities. Ultimately, the viability of a business will depend on the integrity and the capabilities of its members. Thus, it is necessary that each student conduct both his or her personal and academic affairs ethically. In particular, cheating on exams, unauthorized collusion on assignments, and plagiarism will not be tolerated. The Dean’s office has required the faculty to strictly follow University rules and regulations when any violation of academic integrity has occurred.

In pursuing this objective, The Robert H. Smith School of Business community embraces and supports the code of academic integrity administered by the student honor council. 

Students are strongly advised to review the University of Maryland Code of Academic Integrity policy for a detailed description.  

Central to the mission of The Robert H. Smith School of Business is to foster the norms and habits of professional conduct. Graduate business students have the opportunity to participate in building a worthy, purposeful, and progressive academic experience. This opportunity, however, is not without obligation. It is essential at all times that an atmosphere conducive to intellectual pursuits be maintained at the school. Members of The Robert H. Smith School of Business community are expected to behave in a dignified and professional manner. These norms have value in the business community; they are expected in The Robert H. Smith School of Business as well. Because the school is assumed to be a community of mature, responsible individuals, it is not necessary to specify a detailed system of narrowly defined social rules and regulations. Rather, the community lives within a broadly defined framework of “Professional Responsibility."

Responsible conduct includes:

  • Fostering and enhancing an atmosphere of mutual respect among all members of the school community-students, administration, staff, and faculty.
  • Maintaining respect for the facilities of The Robert H. Smith School of Business.
  • Following the guidelines prescribed by each professor for classroom deportment and for the preparation of academic assignments.
  • Behaving at all times in a professional and exemplary manner, including showing respect for classmates, administration, staff, and faculty both in the classroom and outside.

It is expected that instances of irresponsible conduct will be settled through informal discussions between the affected parties. Should informal discussions prove unsuccessful, both the Assistant Dean of MBA & MS Programs and a representative of the office of the Dean are available for mediation. In the rare event that judicial procedures are required, the code of student conduct is applicable.

For more information, please visit the Office of Student Conduct at: