Course Catalog

This course list includes current and historical courses offered by the Smith School. Not all courses listed are currently offered. 

BUSM 706 Innovation & Product Development
BUSM 708 Independent Study in Business
BUSM 710 Advanced Marketing Analytics Models
BUSM 711 Pricing Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage
BUSM 713 Market Forecasting
BUSM 714 Integrated Marketing Communications
BUSM 715 Digital Marketing
BUSM 716 Social Media and Internet Marketing
BUSM 731 Capital Markets
BUSM 733 Valuation in Corporate Finance
BUSM 735 Financial Strategy For Corporations
BUSM 736 Corporate Risk Management
BUSM 737 Applied Equity Analysis
BUSM 738A Mayer Fund
BUSM 741 Financial Restructuring
BUSM 743 Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity
BUSM 744 Portfolio Management
BUSM 745 Derivative Securities
BUSM 747 Financial Reporting & Analysis
BUSM 750 Project Management in Dynamic Environments
BUSM 751 Managing Supply Chains: Models & Analysis
BUSM 752 Games of Strategy and Incentives
BUSM 754 Competitive and Collaborative Negotiation
BUSM 755 Organizational Change
BUSM 757 Implementing Strategy: Organizing to Compete