Course Catalog

This course list includes current and historical courses offered by the Smith School. Not all courses listed are currently offered. 

BMGT 600 Leadership and Teamwork
BMGT 602 Introduction to Financial Accounting
BMGT 604 Managerial Economics and Public Policy
BMGT 606 Data Driven Decision Making
BMGT 610 Financial Management
BMGT 612 Marketing Management
BMGT 614 Strategic Management
BMGT 630 Data Driven Decision Making
BMGT 640 Financial Management
BMGT 758A AI and Business Strategy
BMGT 758A Business Communication
BMGT 758B Brand Management
BMGT 758C Consumer Behavior
BMGT 758E Business Ethics
BMGT 758F Market Forecasting
BMGT 758I Purposeful Leadership
BMGT 758J International Business
BMGT 758K Organizational Change
BMGT 758L Corporate Venturing
BMGT 758M Operations and Events Management
BMGT 758M International Economics for Managers
BMGT 758N Negotiation and Conflict Management
BMGT 758O Navigating Organizational Networks
BMGT 758Q Business Consulting I
BMGT 758R Marketing Research Methods