Registration is conducted via Testudo by clicking "Registration (Drop/Add)".
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.
Registration Blocks
Check your account for blocks and resolve prior to registration.
Registration Questions?
Contact your advisor Kim Gonzalez at Please provide your UID number and a screenshot of your issue with a short explanation.
Refer to the Academic Calendar
Step 1: Register for Track MSBB99MO, Section MB11, which includes:
BMSO 778G WM01 - Strategic Management (2 credits)
Meets Term CBMSO 778O WM01 - Organizational Change (2 credits)
Meets Term CBMSO 778E WM01 - Experiential Learning II (2 credits)
Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Meets Term C/DBMSO 778B WM01 - Digital Transformation in Business (2 credits)
Meets Term DBMSO 778P WM01 - Managerial Economics and Public Policy (2 credits)
Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Meets Term DBMSO 778J WM01 - Creative Problem Solving for Leaders (2 credits)
Tuesday, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Meet Term D
When registering for the track, enter the following information:
- Select Term: Spring
- Course Number: (Ex. MSBD99MB)
- Section Number: (Ex. MB11 or MB12)
- Grade Type: Choose None from the drop-down menu
- Credits: Leave blank
- Click Submit Change
- A message may appear that the course is non-standard; click Enter to bypass this message.
Step 2: Register for Additional Elective Courses
A total of 30 approved credits is required to earn the MS in Management Students degree, please reference the Program Curriculum. Contact your advisor Kim Gonzalez at if you have a particular interest in the elective course below for details on how this factors into your program.
BMSO 778R WM01 - Name, Image, and Likeness (2 credits)
Meets Term D
The schedule is subject to change.