Courses & Schedules

For course pre-requisites and section restrictions, please visit Testudo's Schedule of Classes for further detail.

Please note if there are certain electives you desire to take during the program, we recommend you register for those courses early in your elective phase when you see them offered. There is risk associated with waiting until your final semester(s) to take courses you deem essential to your program.

Fall 2024 Elective Schedule 

Flex MBA (BA, DC & SG) & Online Elective Schedule (Updated 05.01.24)
Changes to Fall 2024 Elective Schedule 
Fall 2024 
Summer 2024
Spring 2024

Included on Testudo is a schedule of classes that lists all the classes offered during a particular semester. The Smith School masters courses are listed under the following course codes:

BMGT - MS in Management Studies 
BMSO - Online Business MS Programs
BUAC - MS in Accounting 
BUDT - MS in Business Analytics and MS in Information Systems
BUFN - Master of Finance and Master of Quantitative Finance
BULM - MS in Supply Chain Management
BUMK - MS in Marketing Analytics
BUSI - Part-time/Flex MBA core and electives
BUSM - Full-time MBA core and electives
BUSO - Online MBA core and electives