International Business
Max Credits

NOTE: the equivalencies pertain to continuing students who may have already taken this course under a different course prefix and number.

PTMBA Equivalent: BUSI761

OMBA Equivalent: BUSO714

This course explores a firm's opportunities and risks when extending their business beyond their home country's borders, while establishing a strategic and competitive global presence. Today's firms must think globally, so it is incumbent upon managers to do so as well. This course will explore globalization, the formulation of an international strategy, and the quest for global value creation. This course will address the establishment of an international value proposition, global strategy and expansion into foreign markets, global branding, global supply chain management, financial considerations, and the globalization of management.

The primary focus of this course is to look at business through an international lens. This is accomplished primarily through the use of discussion and simulations. This course we will bring together several major disciplines (economics, marketing, finance) that you have already seen from across the Smith Business curriculum and apply them through a competitive online and interactive simulation set within the automotive industry."