Business Communications
Course Objectives:
- Apply principles of effective oral and written business communication
- Demonstrate ability to communicate with and about data in multiple professional contects: formal individual presentations, team based presentations, and informal one-on-one and small group interactions
- Demonstrate mastery of written business communication components
Learning Objectives:
- Use an appropriate, professional tone in deliver business communication contexts (e.g. presentations, group discussions, information interactions, etc.)
- Demonstrate mastery at evidence-based reasoning by (a) translating data and analyses into a narrative that provides context for your message AND (b) creating informative, clutter-free data visualizations to support your message
- Tailor messages to your audience and purpose in order to convince receivers to adopt a particular belief or take a course of action
- Deliver oral presentations with well-designed visual aids and a polished style that engages listeners
- Demonstrate mastery of written business communication components