Financial Awards - Full Time MBA

Financial Awards

Financial awards are merit based and received upon admission to the program. Students should check their acceptance letter to see if they received an award.

When will financial awards be applied?

Smith financial award funds will be applied directly to the student account after the first week of classes and the drop/add period has concluded. 

During the drop/add period, students have the ability to adjust their schedule for the fall semester, after which the administration will move forward with applying the award to your student account.

Please ensure that any remaining balance is paid by August 20, as this is the final billing due date for the Fall semester. Students are responsible for all charges and penalties assessed to their student account after this deadline.

Updating Federal Student Loan Award 

This is intended for students who have submitted a FAFSA application for Federal Student Loans. 

Financial awards may reduce the amount that students are eligible to borrow in loans. It is recommended that each student who has applied for Federal Student Loans updates their loan award to include the financial award from the Smith School. This update will adjust the student loan package to provide an accurate figure of what’s available to borrow for the academic year. 

For more information on Financial Aid click here


For general questions please contact the Smith School Team.