Academic Calendar


Spring 2025
OctoberStart of Registration
January 20*eBill Generated in December is Due in Full
January 27

Semester and Term C Begin

Schedule Adjustments after this date may result in less than 100% refund.

February 20*eBill Generated in January is Due in Full or Late Fee Penalty will be Assessed
March 13Term C Ends
March 14 - 15**

Final Exams: Term C (If Requested by Instructor)

March 17 - 21Spring Break
March 24 - 25**Final Exams: Term C (If Requested by Instructor)
March 26Term D Begins
May 13Semester and Term D End
May 14 - 16, 19**Final Exams: Semester and Term D (If Requested by Instructor)

Note: Non-standard courses have different dates than standard semesters and terms for the Schedule Adjustment Period and Drop Period. Students are responsible for checking the corresponding Non-Standard Course Dates & Deadlines for the Schedule Adjustment dates of non-standard courses.

*Payments that are not received by the due date may result in the cancellation of a student's registration. If this occurs, students are not guaranteed re-enrollment in those courses.

** The syllabus will confirm class meeting and exam schedules. Review class syllabus for details.

Summer 2025 
FebruaryStart of Registration
July 7Summer II Begins
August 21Semester and Summer II End
August 22 - 24**Final Exams: Semester and Summer II (If Requested by Instructor)

Note: Semester start/end dates subject to change.  Review class syllabus for details. 

Note: Non-standard courses have different dates than standard semesters and terms for the Schedule Adjustment Period and Drop Period. Students are responsible for checking the corresponding Non-Standard Course Dates & Deadlines for exact Schedule Adjustment dates.

** The syllabus will confirm class meeting and exam schedules. Review class syllabus for details.

Fall 2025 
MarchStart of Registration
August 20*eBill Generated in July is Due in Full
August 25

Semester and Term A Begins

Schedule Adjustment after this date may result in less than 100% refund.

September 1University Holiday (Labor Day)
September 5**Monday-Wednesday & Monday-Only Classes Scheduled (for 9/1/25 holiday)
September 20*eBill Generated in August is Due in Full or Late Fee Penalty will be Assessed
October 9Term A Ends
October 10 - 11Final Exams: Term A (If Requested by Instructor)
October 13 - 14No Classes Scheduled (Fall Break)
October 15 - 16***Final Exams: Term A (If Requested by Instructor)
October 20Term B Begins
November 24 - 26No Classes Scheduled (Thanksgiving Break)
November 27 - 28University Holiday (Thanksgiving)
December 11Semester & Term B Classes End
December 15 - 18***Final Exams: Semester & Term B (If Requested by Instructor)

Note: Non-standard courses have different dates than standard semesters and terms for the Schedule Adjustment Period and Drop Period. Students are responsible for checking the corresponding Non-Standard Course Dates & Deadlines for the Schedule Adjustment dates of non-standard courses.

*Payments that are not received by the due date may result in the cancellation of a student's registration. If this occurs, students are not guaranteed re-enrollment in those courses.

** Class meeting dates adjusted to accommodate the university's holiday.  Review class syllabus for details.

*** The syllabus will confirm class meeting and exam schedules. Review class syllabus for details.