BUSI 630 Data, Models and Decisions Pre-Skills Requirements

"Spreadsheet Modeling Online Course, Excel 2013: Introductory Section" from Harvard Business School Publishing

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"BUSI 630: Data, Models and Decisions (or DMD) is one of your required courses for Spring 2018. This critically important course covers analytical tools and models for managerial decisions that are used extensively in managerial practice as well as in other subsequent courses in the Smith MBA curriculum. As a part of DMD, you are required to take an online course from Harvard Business Publishing Spreadsheet Modeling (or SM). SM covers basic and advanced topics in spreadsheet analysis and modeling skills that prepares you for DMD."

Spreadsheet Modeling is an online course covering fundamental spreadsheet skills. Topics in this course include:

  • The Excel Environment
  • Working with Data: Basic Techniques
  • Cells and Ranges
  • Increasing Spreadsheet Readability
  • Cell Formatting; Conditional Formatting
  • Excel Formulas
  • Relative and absolute addressing
  • Named cell ranges; Referencing by names
  • Hierarchy of Mathematical Operations
  • Creating, Formatting and Customizing Charts

How does the Smith School Use SM?

Most of our entering MBA students have basic familiarity with Excel spreadsheets.  The DMD core course requires the use of fundamental spreadsheet skills such as some of those listed above.  The focus in DMD is not on software issues, but instead, on the analytical aspects of modeling the business decision and the managerial implications. SM offers a way for all students to familiarize themselves with the spreadsheet software features that will be used and built upon in DMD."

5% of grade in BUSI630 is determined by your performance in SM.

Final Exam must be completed by Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 6:00PM

You have only one chance to take the Final Exam!

Estimated that advanced Excel users will take 6 to 8 hours to complete Spreadsheet Modeling, while beginning users will take 10 to 12 hours.  Most students will likely need 10 hours or more.

You are urged to register for SM and begin studying the course material as soon as possible.  Past experience indicates that many students significantly underestimate the time and effort needed to complete these courses.

You will take HBS Spreadsheet Modeling and the course Data, Models, and Decisions, under the University of Maryland’s Code of Academic Integrity.  Any violation of this code, such as receiving help from another individual in taking a Test, will result in an automatic “XF” on your transcript with the notation “failure due to academic dishonesty”.

HBSP Product Number: 9053-HTM-ENG

Login Information:

  • Turn off all pop-up blockers
  • Click the corresponding link below for your cohort's course section
  • Click "Register Now" if applicable, or “Login Now” with your existing account
  • Under Coursepack View, click  "Purchase Coursepack"
  • You will be prompted for payment information and click "Next"

Payment: Individually by student directly to HBSP. Students receive the Smith discounted price of $45.00.

Technical Requirements:
HBSP courses are internet-based and cannot be accessed off-line. You can use different computers to access the course as long as each computer satisfies the following requirements: 

  • Computer with minimum 1024x768 screen resolution 
  • High speed internet connection (DSL / cable modem quality)
  • Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 / Macintosh OS 10.x 
  • Firefox 3.6+ / Safari 4+ / Chrome web browsers with JavaScript and cookies enabled. (Note: Internet Explorer is not recommended for students using Online Courses or Tutorials. Please use one of the other supported browsers instead.)
  • Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, or 2013 is required for the Spreadsheet Modeling Online Course.

Technical Difficulty? Please contact the Harvard Business School Publishing Technical Support Group:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
U.S./Canada: (800) 810-8858
International: +1 617-783-7600