6/8 - Weekly Email From the Masters Programs Office

Dear incoming Master of Finance student,


I’m pleased to introduce myself to you as the Master of Finance advisor. I will serve as your primary point of contact from now until you graduate; my contact information is listed below.


As a reminder, the Incoming Student Website should serve as your primary source of information to prepare for this fall, and I will send you an email with important information and links every week until you arrive for Orientation. 


Pre-Skills Requirement for BUSI640

There is a pre-skills requirement for BUSI640. Please visit the Pre-Skills Requirement page on the Incoming Student Website for details on how to complete this requirement. The pre-skills requirement must be completed by August 23rd. Questions about grading or how the pre-skills course will be used in the Smith School course should be directed to Laurent Frésard, Assistant Professor of Finance, at lfresard@rhsmith.umd.edu.


Course Registration

Fall 2016 course registration began last week. You have been assigned to register with Track 1. If you haven’t yet registered for classes, please follow the step-by-step registration instructions on the Course Registration portion of the Incoming Student Website. The University of Maryland course registration system, Testudo, will only allow you to register for your assigned track, so please follow the instructions closely. 


Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar on the Admitted Student Website contains all term/semester start and end dates for Smith School masters students. The Smith School academic calendar is different than the University of Maryland academic calendar. This fall—during the University of Maryland’s Fall semester—you will take Term A and Term B courses. Term A begins on August 23rd. 


Housing Resources

The Housing Resources for College Park Students is a great resource for students seeking housing information. It includes a link to the Housing Recommendations Guide compiled by current students, as well as other useful links.


Important Tasks and Dates
Please review the
Pre-Program Checklist for important tasks.

Thank you,

Rose Essiem
Program Coordinator
Masters Programs Office
Robert H. Smith School of Business
2308A Van Munching Hall
7699 Mowatt Lane
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-1815
Phone: (301) 405-9565